About Us
Shades of Deviance is a small gaming community based around World of Warcraft. We've been in existence for approximately ten years, progressing in every raid tier throughout the expansions. We are a laid-back, adult-oriented (18+), LGBTQ+ friendly guild with the occasional dirty sense of humor.
World of Warcraft is our main focus, but the group expands outside of that to other games as well! Our goal is casual raiding; with a focus on normal. We strongly promote the, "Anyone can raid" ideal, and are very open to members who haven't ever raided before, but are interested in learning to doing so.
We raid no more than 4 hours per week, and understand that real life and work come first. We do aim for regular attendance, and expect only that you come on time, prepared, and ready to have fun. If you're not experienced in raiding, our group is more than willing to help you!